
116 – Science Journalism with Sanden Totten pt. 2

116-sanden-tottenSanden Totten (@sandentotten), from Bill Nye Saves the World and the Brains On! Podcast, returns to share more pear cider from Sonoma Cider and continue a great chat about science, information, punk rock, identity, and how to trust data and information.

Music at the end from Craft Spells with Your Tomb.

115 – Science Journalism with Sanden Totten pt. 1

Sanden Totten (@sandentotten), from KPCC, Bill Nye Saves the World, and the Brains On! podcast, drops by to share some Pitchfork Pear Cider from Sonoma Cider and chat about his career in science journalism, getting into punk, and what he loves about science. A call to Chad Daniels starts things off.

Music at the end from the Riverboat Gamblers with Good Veins.

114 – Molecular & Marine Biology with Tony Sam pt. 2

114-tony-samTony Same (@toekneesam), a comedian and writer who studied Marine and Molecular Biology, is back to share more Foam Top Blonde Ale from Beachwood Brewing and discuss what it was like to collect samples from the ocean, work in a molecular biology lab, and how he eventually got into comedy.

Music at the end from Krestovsky with Science Song!

113 – Marine & Molecular Biology with Tony Sam pt. 1

Tony Sam (@ToekneeSam) has degrees in Marine and Molecular Biology AND Chemistry, and now he works in comedy full-time. He spends some time in the Space Cave talking about his life, SCUBA diving and working as a marine biologist, and how he ended up in comedy — all while sharing some Foam Top Blonde Ale from Beachwood Brewing. A call to Fat Camp starts things off.

Music at the end from Fat Camp with Raining Snow.

112 – Life, the Universe & Dave Farina pt. 4

112_Dave-FarinaDave Farina (@daveexplains) of the Lonely Wild and Professor Dave Explains is back to finish a riveting conversation about the universe, flat earth, existence, and the future while sharing more Tower Station IPA from Mother Road Brewing.

Music at the end from the Lonely Wild with Come Back Down.

111 – Life, the Universe, and Dave Farina pt. 3

Dave Farina from the Lonely Wild and Professor Dave Explains returns to talk about earth, the universe, humans, the future, and lots more over some delicious Tower Station IPA from Mother Road Brewing. A chat with Emily Rose starts things off.

Music at the end from Kurt Vile & Courtney Barnett with Over Everything.