
121 – The Future with Ahmed Best pt.1

121-ahmed-bestAhmed Best (@ahmedbest), host of The Afrofuturist Podcast and an accomplished actor, dropped by for a thoroughly engaging conversation about the future, humans, art, justice, and his upbringing. It’s a great start to a new year. Enjoy!

Music at the end from Deerhunter with Never Stops.

120 – Economics with Jack Michelle pt. 2

Jack Michelle is back to share more Molé Stout from Ska Brewing and continue a great conversation about Economics, Political Science, Education, Diversity, and what it’s like to grow up feeling like an outsider.

Music at the end from Chuck Watkins with the Christmas Mash.

If you’d like to contribute to Chuck’s GoFundMe, please click on this link. Thanks!

119 – Economics with Jack Michelle pt. 1

Jack Michelle studied at Yale and has a law degree from Stanford. Beyond being extremely intelligent, his life story is fascinating, and he was nice enough to talk about it over Mole Stout from Ska Brewing. A call to Nikki Aman starts it off.

Music at the end from Jennifer Jordan with Come with Me.

117 – Philosophy with Jack O’Brien pt. 1

Jack O’Brien (@jack_obrien) has a degree in Philosophy from Georgetown and is the host of the Daily Zeitgeist. Prior to that, he hosted the cracked podcast. He stops by to chat about his life, how you end up who you are, growing up the son of a basketball coach, and what life might mean. A call to Sarah Ruth Alexander starts things off.

Music at the end from The War on Drugs with Holding On.